Tag: erotic stories

  • Cupid’s Armorer now available!

    Cupid’s Armorer is now available on Amazon.com!  It’s my first Kindle Select title, which means that those of you with Amazon Prime are free to borrow it for free.  In the interests of fair disclosure, Prime only gives you one free borrow a month.  If you want to use your free borrow on my book,…

  • Cupid’s Armorer COMPLETE!

    Cupid’s Armorer, my third eBook, is now complete!  Or should I say, it’s in draft status and has already been sent off for a second opinion from a fellow author.  Once I hear back, I may make some minor changes and then publish it on Monday.  This will be a Kindle Select piece, but if…

  • Cupid’s Armorer

    Surprise, I started another project!  This one got into my head and just wouldn’t get out, so I’m getting it finished and out of here. The good news is that this project isn’t going to be a long one, and it should be published by the end of the weekend.  It’s a completely original story,…

  • 45k words on my latest project

    My ‘other project’ is now 45k words in length, which places it at around 150 Baen Books size paperback pages, or around 112 Kindle pages long.  That places it as the longest thing I’ve ever written, and it’s gotten to the point now where it’s been mostly (traditional) action for a while now.  Every now…

  • eBook of “Merlin’s Magic Wang” now available!

    Merlin’s Magic Wang, one of my hands-down most popular stories ever, is now available as an eBook!  You can either buy it from Smashwords or Amazon.  Over the next week or two, it’ll start trickling into the various stores such as Barnes + Noble, Kobo, Diesel, etc etc. As is my custom with these “Director’s Cut” editions…

  • “Fuck Me Running”

    “Fuck Me Running”.  Isn’t that such an interesting phrase? While its meaning is clear in context – it’s an expression of surprise and astonishment – it really does bring some fascinating visual images to mind.  Unfortunately, none of them are very practical, just due to basic human anatomy.  Too bad there’s no way to use a…

  • New edition of Progenitor out for Smashwords readers

    So, I just fixed some formatting issues which had previously caused Progenitor not to have any actual chapter divisions in the NCX file.  This means that you can actually select Chapter 1, Chapter 3, etc, from the side of your reading device. The wonders of digital publishing means that all you have to do to…

  • Covers for my next two eBooks commissioned today

    Today, I asked my graphic designer to start work on the covers for my next two eBooks.  Time will tell which book I finish first, but my new project and “Merlin’s Magic Wang” are both being actively worked on.  When I get tired of working on one, I work on the other. They’re different enough…


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