Author: haramiru
…and now I have a daughter
Not long ago, my daughter ‘E’ was born. Another C-section, this one necessary both due to the C-section for my son just 15 months before, and because E was a bit over 11 pounds when born. It seems that I am fated to be the father of ever-larger children, and the next one will likely…
Pre-orders of Progenitor 3 for 4/10/17 release!
In my last post, I said I planned to release Progenitor 3 in about two weeks – and that I would work on the eBook formatting between now and then. Well, I managed to get the formatting locked in, then I realized that both Amazon and Smashwords have pre-order systems that will take a fully-ready…
Progenitor 3 nearly finished!
Progenitor 3 is almost finished, finally! I’ve been getting a fair amount of writing done in the evenings lately, and Progenitor 3 has really been coming together. Those who read the version that I posted years ago on the Impregnorium will notice that certain primary points – such as the girls’ bedroom, the sorority house…
Bypassing Amazon’s search filters via
So, the clever folks over at have implemented a project I kept “thinking of” for years. In the IT world, people think of useful stuff all the time, and sooner or later it someone implements it. This was one of those ideas where the world needed it, and the lack of its existence was…
Credit where credit’s due – Amazon’s Echo helps me write
I’m not a tech blogger, but a couple pieces of tech did actually change my life I can and do reserve the right to say what I like about Amazon’s e-book related practices. I’m really not a fan of the way they treat erotica authors or their erotica customers. However, I must give credit where…
Preview: Progenitor 3 chapter 1
Just to allay the fears that I’m actually dead, I thought I’d toss out a teaser: The first chapter of the fancy, deluxe re-release of Progenitor 3. Progenitor 3, Chapter 1: Sibling Rivalry I felt like I’d just dozed off when a gentle hand on my shoulder began to shake me. “Brad – this is…
I have an actual, real life son
So, my son was born in early April. It was a C-section unfortunately, but the important thing is that my son K (yes, that’s going to get confusing with my wife K, isn’t it?) is healthy and sound. Afraid there will be no pictures, but you can rest assured that the family is doing well…
Just realized I haven’t blogged about Volume 2 of my breeding erotica!
This isn’t a release of new content, but I recently published the second volume of my breeding anthology, which brings the anthology collection up to date with what I’ve already published. It’s available on Amazon as a 90-day exclusive, which is so that subscribers to the Netflix-style Kindle Unlimited service can read it. Once its…