Just realized I haven’t blogged about Volume 2 of my breeding erotica!

erotica print anthology 2This isn’t a release of new content, but I recently published the second volume of my breeding anthology, which brings the anthology collection up to date with what I’ve already published.

It’s available on Amazon as a 90-day exclusive, which is so that subscribers to the Netflix-style Kindle Unlimited service can read it. Once its exclusivity expires, I intend to make it available throughout the rest of the outlets as well.

Personal updates:

Being a stepdad now has taken a huge amount of my editing time away (so Progenitor 3 is way behind schedule), but I’m officially having a son! My wife K is due in April, and perversely once the baby is born I’ll probably get MORE time to write than I do now. At present, both of us work so most of my “free” time goes to parenting. When K goes on maternity leave, she’ll take over most of the duties I’ve got at present and I’ll have more time to write. In theory. 🙂

Contents of this volume:

Progenitor 2: Unexpectedly brought back from the dead, Philip Young has a lot to sort out. His new body is designed to usher in the next wave of human evolution, but that power comes with a great price. His alien pheromones have no off switch, no pause button, and permit him absolutely no downtime. Philip’s greatest challenge is trying to blend in with a world where every woman wants to rip his clothes off. (Sequel to “Progenitor”, found in Vol. 1)

Cum In Me If You Want To Live: 47 years in the future, an AI named Worldnet will make Earth a peaceful paradise. Unfortunately, the alien Solrani will attack shortly thereafter. Desperate, Worldnet finds an alternate reality where the Solrani were defeated because of thirteen key people who were never born in its reality. Worldnet sends its most advanced shape-shifting infiltrator droid back to our time to ensure that the thirteen are conceived – even if she must do it herself! (New, standalone story)

They Needed A Jump: Fresh out of a divorce, our hero is determined not to get into a rebound relationship. But when two smoking hot pregnant women have engine trouble outside his favorite gym, his chivalry gets the best of him. And when it turns out that they’re not only pregnant but unattached and horny, none of them find it possible to say no. (New, standalone story)

Evil Takes Wang: Two years ago, Eric accidentally bound himself into a lifelong contract with an imp named Rajesh. Rajesh has the ability to release him from this contract, but has only recently offered to do so – if Eric will unlock an ancient magical relic created by the wizard Merlin so that Rajesh can have its stockpile of Power. The relic unexpectedly fuses itself to Eric’s body, and now any time he becomes aroused, his penis teleports into whatever woman he’s looking at. The only way to remove it is to use it, and unfortunately for Eric, a local fertility cult finds out that he’s got the relic. Jillian, a priestess of Mordred, intends to use Eric – and her army of hunky slave men – to reincarnate her god. Can Rajesh help Eric escape the cult with his life? (Sequel to “Merlin’s Magic Wang” and “Morgan’s Curse”, both found in Vol. 1)

She Wore Shorts to the Gas Station: Brent’s filling his tank at a gas station one night, when an eye-catching girl in shorts walks by. One thing leads to another, and he catches her eye too. Little does Brent know that she and her friends have a game called “Baby Roulette”, and she’s determined to play it with him! (Sequel to ‘She Only Wore a Shirt to the Funeral’, found in Vol. 1)






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