Pre-orders of Progenitor 3 for 4/10/17 release!

In my last post, I said I planned to release Progenitor 3 in about two weeks – and that I would work on the eBook formatting between now and then.

Well, I managed to get the formatting locked in, then I realized that both Amazon and Smashwords have pre-order systems that will take a fully-ready release and handle it automatically! So, I’ve uploaded the manuscripts I’ve got, along with the meta-data, and set it for a 4/10/17 release. Think of this as a little insurance policy for my readers, in case I somehow disappear into family and work again over the next two weeks.

This leaves two weeks to act upon any changes I get back from my beta readers. If nothing comes back needing changes, the version I’ve uploaded will be the official release version. If there are changes, I’ve still got the ability to swap out the manuscript before release.

I feel pretty safe now saying that no matter what happens, on April 10th anyone who wants Progenitor 3 will have it!

Pre-order links as they become available:






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