1 year of Ken Haramiru, and Evil Takes Wang chapter 1!

Back on October 14th, 2012 I published my first eBook, “Progenitor”, on Smashwords.  My first sale was on October 16th, and since then it’s been a terrific ride as I’ve learned more about publishing than I ever thought I’d know.  I’ve fulfilled a childhood dream of being a writer (although I never imagined writing erotica!), made just over $3k in royalties, and enjoyed the expressions on friends’ faces as I’ve told them, “No, really, I’m not joking.  I write porn.  And I’m successful enough that it’s worth keeping up.”

This past year has seen me start a divorce from my cheating wife (yes, the same one I dedicated some of my stories to), work insane hours at my day job, start a secondary job in addition to my day job and writing (it’s what Brent Allen is based on actually), and start my own business to simplify the tax implications of slowly becoming a professional writer.

Now if I can just get Amazon to stop trying to end my writing career, I’ll just be doing great.


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