Want to read most of the extended edition of “Progenitor” free?


Haramiru's 2012 Breeding Erotica: 6 stories of breeding pleasure
Haramiru’s 2012 Breeding Erotica: 6 stories of breeding pleasure

As you may know, I love statistics.  I’ve had time to glance at my summary data, generated for me throughout the day, and I was surprised to see a lot of trial downloads of my short story anthology over the last couple of days.

I had to smile when I figured it out.  See, most eBooks have a certain percentage set as free, and this one is no exception.  Except that 10% of a 350-page story is actually about 75% of the first story, which means that most of the “director’s cut” of Progenitor is thus available for free.

Hope the folks out there have been enjoying the free samples – I’m not going to go reducing the sampling percentage or anything.  But I think it’s appropriate to tell the rest of my fans about it so that they can take advantage of it too.  If you thought the free edition was hot, you’ll think the extended edition is incendiary.






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