Free book for Hump Day!

Cupid's Armorer
Elements of cover art © Pkripper503, © Gbradic, © Ctakik.
Obtained from

I’m pleased to announce that Cupid’s Armorer is going to be free for the next two days on Amazon!  Anyone who hasn’t had a chance to check out my writing yet may be interested.  This one is more story-centric than most of my erotica, so it’s not the very best representation of my style, but it’s a new series and people haven’t had a chance to check it out yet like they have with the free versions of Progenitor and Merlin’s Magic Wang.

I’m calling this my “Hump Day” promotion, given that it’s Wednesday, and the story is about… well, angels humping.

The promotion is scheduled to start Wednesday and run for two days, ending on Thursday night.  Hopefully everyone will take advantage of this!





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