Presale on Smashwords of Fallback Plan Book 2

So, since I did this on Book 1, I figure I should do this for Book 2 as well. Smashwords has a ‘presale’ option, which makes the book available there 10 days early. The release date for Amazon and elsewhere remains at 2023-06-01.

Please keep in mind that this book is Episode 15-24 of The Fallback Plan, and if you’ve read those episodes via one of the subscription options, this will not be new content to you.

In fair disclosure, once the story is complete, there will be a print and eBook edition of all the episodes put together, so if you’ve read the episodes but want an eBook of them to keep, I would suggest that you wait for that edition.

This eBook is priced about the same as buying the individual episodes on Kindle Vella; I’m trying to keep the prices as fair as possible across whichever way people choose to get their content.







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