Category: Fallback

  • The Fallback Plan’s live on Amazon Vella

    So, I’ve decided that I am going to give Amazon Vella a try, and publish “The Fallback Plan” on it. For those who aren’t familiar with it, it’s an episodic / incremental publishing model run by Amazon where, much like the old radio dramas folks used to listen to, you write a story in episodes…

  • …I’m not dead yet.

    Just a statement, though my publication schedule doesn’t reflect this. I’m acutely aware that I haven’t put out anything new in a while. That having been said, anyone into breeding does have to take into account that as you and your spouse add kids to this world, your responsibilities also increase. I am blessed with…

  • …and now I have a daughter

    Not long ago, my daughter ‘E’ was born. Another C-section, this one necessary both due to the C-section for my son just 15 months before, and because E was a bit over 11 pounds when born. It seems that I am fated to be the father of ever-larger children, and the next one will likely…

  • Credit where credit’s due – Amazon’s Echo helps me write

    I’m not a tech blogger, but a couple pieces of tech did actually change my life I can and do reserve the right to say what I like about Amazon’s e-book related practices. I’m really not a fan of the way they treat erotica authors or their erotica customers. However, I must give credit where…

  • A new draft of the intro to “Fallback: The Arrival”

    Astute readers will probably remember my story in progress, “Fallback: The Arrival” – with its teaser first posted in March. Well, I’ve still been working on it, in between knocking up and marrying my girlfriend and having my day job step up to an utterly insane pace. Fallback is the story I work on in…

  • Just a follow-up to Fallback…

    Kara: It’s starting I’ve managed to actually get Daz3D to do something useful for once, and what it’s done is produce a picture from Fallback: The Arrival. Kara’s already inserted the first of the colonists’ embryos, and she’s inspecting the ship when she feels the first burst of fetal development beginning. I think I’m going…


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